Tuesday, 16 October 2012


We continue to come across unusual signage and these signs were at one of our campgrounds along the river:  What do you make of these - - -

After dinner we decided to go for a walk along the river and this was our neighbour just nearby...
 The next morning we had to ride up the hill and pass this castle and it was just as impressive up close..

We continue on and came across another sign re the local wildlife, but unfortunately we never did see one of these little creatures even though they are supposed to live in the area.

A little later on there was a sign for Wolves - so I thought maybe they ate all the beavers??  But we failed to see any wolves either - not that this was a bad thing!!!
The river continues to be pretty busy with barges and the ever present cruise boats.

There is always something unusual popping up and this open air alter was a bit out of the ordinary.
The Hillside agriculture continues along side the river, even on the steepest of slopes.  This castle garden still looked to be thriving, even though the castle seemed to have seen better days ( to say the least!) Wouldn't like to venture out to pick something after a couple of drinks though - a tumble would find you in the river quick smart!!

Dave is continuing his unusual photography on the move, check out these signs - with careful emphasis on the round mirror!!
As we neared Vienna we came across another structure - pretty self explanatory really -
This building out in the middle of nowhere was very entertaining - I guess Austrian style graffiti!
As we entered Vienna the amazing cycle ways continued.
And instead of cigarette vending machines there were some that were more in our line.......bicycle tubes!
As we searched around the city on arrival for the Tourist Information Bureau, we discovered this pretty interesting place just across the road - not what we expected to find in the middle of Vienna.
The cycle paths continued, and this one was across a bridge, but right under the motorway....
The beautiful buildings continued and inside one church was this magnificent pipe organ -
And this soaring spire was all the more impressive as there was absolutely no sign of a clock anywhere - -
The interiors continue to amaze....
I could include just so many photos of all we saw but these next two just had to be includued . There were so many wonderful statues.... Check out this one....
Now how about this for detail.....What you wouldn't give to have been able to see these being carved!!!! and when!!!
We arrived in the middle of a Harvest festival so the city was full of colour and celebrations..
Even the horses were looking pretty smart.  These two had their little ear muffs on.....ooohhhhh.
Dave and I were pretty colourful as well with our cycle/sandal tans........
As we left our campsite in the Vienna Woods one of our fellow campers offered to take this pic.....not often we get one together...
And so we say goodbye to Vienna or to use the local venacular......
Stay tuned for our next Blog for something exciting.............

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